President's Challenge 2023
Finish What You Started
Hello BAMQ Members,
My challenge for 2023 is to finish some of the projects sitting around in our stashes. Let’s take this year to dust off a few of these lingering projects, remember what drew us to them, then finish and celebrate them!
Joelle L - Vexing (originally Sisters Ten)

Lingering 12 years
Phase Dropped: Piecing/construction at least halfway done
Complexity: 2-stars
Project Size: Lap Quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: I ran into creative issues and didn’t know what I wanted to do with it.
Lee Ann F - Yellow Curvy Roads

Lingering 1 year
Phase Dropped: Piecing/constructi
on at least halfway done
Complexity: 3-stars
Project Size: Preemie Quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: I don’t remember why I didn’t finish it.
Lee Ann F - Orange Diamonds

Lingering 2 years 9 months
Phase Dropped: Piecing/construction at least halfway done
Complexity: 3-stars
Project Size: Baby Quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: Other - knew I wanted to add some 'space' between blocks, grabbed some KONA white, stuffed it in a project bag with the blocks, then into the closet it went.
Jaye L - Ultimate Retreat Bag

Lingering 5.5 years
Phase Dropped: Materials purchased and project not started
Complexity: 3-stars
Project Size: Large tote/purse
Primary Reason Not Finished: No particular reason, I just worked on other projects because I have so many in progress or something else caught my eye.
Sue S - Piano Keys

Lingering 2 years
Phase Dropped: Quilting started but not finished
Complexity: 2-stars
Project Size: Preemie Quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: I lost interest in the project.
Lee Ann F - Bear with in line Colors

Lingering 1 year
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 1-star
Project Size: Preemie Quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: I misplaced it or forgot I had it.
Lee Ann F - Peas and Carrots

Lingering 1.5 years
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 1-star
Project Size: Baby Quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: I misplaced it or forgot I had it.
Sue S - All About Angles Sarah Goer Workshop

Lingering 4.5 years
Phase Dropped: Quilting/construction done
Complexity: 3-stars
Project Size: Baby Quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: I did not like how it was turning out or thought it was ugly.
Cindy R - Star Wars Quilt

Lingering 1 year
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 1-star
Project Size: Lap Quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: I ran into technical difficulties and set it aside.
Bonnie T - Lost in the Mountains

Lingering 2.5 years
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 2-stars
Project Size: Lap Quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: Other - I ruminated for a LONG time about what stitch design I was going to quilt on it.
Claire F - Tara Faughn Colorplay Workshop

Lingering 5 years
Phase Dropped: Piecing at least half-way complete
Complexity: 2-stars
Project Size: Lap Quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: No particular reason.
Julie S - Word Challenge

Lingering 33 months
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 2-stars
Project Size: Table Runner
Primary Reason Not Finished: Dropped to the bottom of the "I want to work on this" pile.
Sue S - Triangle Medley

Lingering 18 months
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 2-stars
Project Size: Lap Quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: No particular reason.
Julie S - Orange You Glad

Lingering 10 months
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 2-stars
Project Size: Lap quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: Other - I got stuck on the basting step.
Carrie P - 9 Patch Practice Blocks

Lingering 2-1/2 years
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 1-star
Project Size: Crib quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: I did not like how it was turning out.
Carrie P - Von's XK120 Car Quilt

Lingering 15 months
Phase Dropped: Quilting/construction done
Complexity: 2-stars
Project Size: Double quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: Dropped to the bottom of the "I want to work on this" pile.
Carrie P - Color Practice Blocks Stroller Quilt and Hummingbird hanger for Alix

Lingering 1-1/2 years
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 1-star
Project Size: Baby quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: I ran into creative issues and didn't know what I wanted to do with it.
Carrie P - Twister Sister Circle Quilt for Sarah

Lingering 1-1/2 years
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 2-stars
Project Size: Twin quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: Dropped to the bottom of the "I want to work on this" pile.
Mary M - Disappearing 9 Patch

Lingering 1 year
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 1-star
Project Size: Lap quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: I didn't like how it was turning out.
Claire F - Orange Peel / BAM Orange Triangle Challenge/ Self-Challenge to create spirals

Lingering 9 months
Phase Dropped: Quilting done
Complexity: 4-stars
Project Size: Double quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: No particular reason
Claire F - Sailboats Low Volume Challenge

Lingering 1-1/2 years
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 3-stars
Project Size: King quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: Other - Finally acknowledged that I would not be buying a FMQ worthy machine in NY and needed to have room in my suitcase to bring it back to CA to quilt.
Claire F - Habitat Fabric Collection Challenge

Lingering 9 years
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 4-stars
Project Size: Baby quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: I ran into create issues and didn't know what I wanted to do with it.
Joelle L - Too Many Triangles

Lingering 1 year
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 3-stars
Project Size: Crib quilt
Primary Reason Not Finished: I needed a break from working on it,
Sue S - Pepin Tote with Waxed Canvas

Lingering 1 year
Phase Dropped: Materials purchased and project not started
Complexity: 2-stars
Project Size: Medium tote
Primary Reason Not Finished: Other - Intimidated by waxed canvas
Catherine W - Pastel /Checkerboard Variation

Lingering 7 years
Phase Dropped: Some cutting or piecing/construction done
Complexity: 2-stars
Project Size: Baby
Primary Reason Not Finished: Dropped to the bottom of the "I want to work on this" pile
Melinda R - Baby Barn

Lingering 2 years
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 2-stars
Project Size: Baby
Primary Reason Not Finished: No particular reason.
Sue S - Winter in the Woods

Lingering 12 years
Phase Dropped: Some cutting or piecing/construction done
Complexity: 4-stars
Project Size: Baby
Primary Reason Not Finished: Dropped to the bottom of the "I want to work on this" pile.
Melinda R - Strip Quilt

Lingering 6 months
Phase Dropped: Piecing Complete
Complexity: 1-star
Project Size: Baby
Primary Reason Not Finished: No particular reason.
Sue S - Ultimate Carry All Bag

Lingering at least 1 year
Phase Dropped: Piecing/Construction at least halfway done
Complexity: 4-stars
Project Size: Large tote / purse
Primary Reason Not Finished: I ran into technical difficulties and set it aside.
Alison S - Glam Clam #4

Lingering 6 months
Phase Dropped: Binding started but not finished
Complexity: 2-stars
Project Size: Preemie
Primary Reason Not Finished: I missed the challenge or entry deadline.
Sue S - Nathan's Quilt

Lingering at least 17 months
Phase Dropped: Some cutting or piecing/construction done
Complexity: 2-stars
Project Size: Crib
Primary Reason Not Finished: Other - My then 9 or 10 year old older grandson wanted to make a quilt but lost interest. It took a while to get back to it to finish.
Joelle L - Simple Squares (ruler work)

Lingering 5 years
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 2-stars
Project Size: Preemie
Primary Reason Not Finished: I lost interest in the project.
Catherine W - August

Lingering 6 years
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 2-stars
Project Size: Baby
Primary Reason Not Finished: I ran into creative issues and didn't know what I wanted to do with it.
Catherine W - Star Burst

Lingering 6 years
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 2-stars
Project Size: Small item
Primary Reason Not Finished: I ran into creative issues and didn't know what I wanted to do with it.
Joelle L - Lambs Panel

Lingering 11 years
Phase Dropped: Piecing complete
Complexity: 1-star
Project Size: Baby
Primary Reason Not Finished: I lost interest in the project.
Mary M - Open Wide 2.0 Bag

Lingering at least 4 months
Phase Dropped: Some cutting or piecing/construction done
Complexity: 1-star
Project Size: Large tote/purse
Primary Reason Not Finished: I missed the challenge or entry deadline.
Cyndi W - Sylvie Bag

Lingering 1 year
Phase Dropped: Materials purchased and project not started
Complexity: 1-star
Project Size: Medium tote/purse
Primary Reason Not Finished: No particular reason.